New illustration for the Magazine "Lebenslust Emmental"!

Detail of the illustration

This month I had the joy and pleasure of being able to illustrate the new short story by Sandra Rutschi in the spring issue of "Lebenslust Emmental".
The story is titled "Lieber den Spaz in der Hand als die Taube auf dem Dach", or in English it would be translated as "better a sparrow in the hand than a pigeon on the roof".
A proverb that I believe in English is "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush". 
I painted a wood pigeon (with a slightly more caricatural expression than usual, but it was functional 😉), in a typical context of roofs and architecture of the Bernese Emmental

I sincerely thank the publisher Torfinn Rothenbuehler and Sandra Rutschi for their kindness and trust!

The proverb talks about pigeon, but instead of a common pigeon, the kind that abounds in the city, I preferred to choose a Wood pidgeon, rarer and wilder, it is more easily found in the countryside and in the woods. I find it much more beautiful than the common pigeon. Luckily I was able to photograph it in person.

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